Beyond the basics of image analysis: Image registration and spatial infiltration analysis in HALO

In this webinar, research scientist Andreas Theodosi and image analysis manager James Clay take a look at the application serial section registration of pan-cytokeratin, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and CD8-stained serial sections of human breast carcinoma samples.


22nd Apr 2021   

3pm BST | 4pm CEST | 7am PDT | 10am EDT

Event type



Andreas Theodosi

James Clay

Image analysis is an ever-evolving field of digital pathology that has traditionally been used to perform relatively simple quantitative analysis. Modern analysis approaches allow for increasing amounts of quantitative data to be extracted from histological sections.

We demonstrate how, through tissue classification of pan-cytokeratin stained tumor in one serial section, we can restrict the analysis of estrogen and progesterone receptor positivity to the tumor area in the registered serial sections.

We also demonstrate how an advanced spatial analysis workflow can be used to analyze the infiltration of CD8 positive cells across the tumor-stroma interface.

Key learning objectives:

  • Understand the workflow for basic quantification of staining
  • Understand the workflow for registration of serial section images and its benefits
  • Understand the workflow for spatial analysis and the further insights that it can provide beyond more basic analyses


Andreas Theodosi

Research Scientist

Andreas graduated from University of Hull with BSc (Hons) 1st class in biomedical science in 2015. After graduating, Andreas became a course leader and a member of the Learning Technology and Innovation Forum at Burton and South Derbyshire College. In 2018, Andreas joined HistologiX Ltd as a research scientist working across histology, immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis. He has a particular interest in computer-based systems, including Indica Lab’s HALO 3.0, Hamamatsu Nanozoomer with NDP Viewer, Zeiss Axio Scan with Zen, Leica Bond, Roche Benchmark & Discovery Ultra, Microsoft Excel with Visual Basics, and Haeir Monitoring System with real-time reporting software.

James Clay

Image Analysis Manager

James began his career as a specialist biomedical scientist in diagnostic histopathology in 2002, specializing in immunohistochemistry. In 2008, James joined HistologiX Ltd as a research scientist, taking lead roles in regulatory (GLP) Tissue Cross-Reactivity and IHC biomarker studies. James went on to develop HistologiX’s digital pathology capabilities, integrating whole-slide imaging with the Hamamatsu NanoZoomer, followed by the development of quantitative image analysis services using Indica Labs HALO®. Progressing to Image Analysis Manager, James applies his extensive knowledge of histological, immunohistochemical, digital pathology and quantitative analysis techniques to support HistologiX’s clients from project proposal to completion of the study report.


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